showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Earth Defense Force 2017  D3 Publisher (Sandlot)2006First EDF game published outside of the SIMPLE series. labelimageminimize
Supreme Commander  Aspyr Media (Gas Powered Games;Hellbent Games)2008 labelimageminimize
The Incredible Hulk  Sega (Edge of Reality)2008 labelimageminimize
Fallout 3 Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2008 labelimageminimize
Stormrise Sega (The Creative Assembly)20092009-04-28(?) - second patch cancelled and with it support was dropped. labelimageminimize
Terminator Salvation Evolved Games (GRIN)2009This is a sci-fi third-person shooter in which players assume the role of John Connor as he battles against futuristic robots in a post-apocalyptic setting. Players use guns, machine gun turrets, rockets, and grenade launchers to shoot and destroy waves of enemy machines (e.g., versions of 'Terminator' robots) to progress through the game. Realistic gunfire, explosions, and cries of pain from human soldiers can be heard during battle. The dialogue contains language such as 'a*s' and 'damn.'***For 1-2 players simultaneously on same machine. Second player takes control of Blair, Connor's companion. labelimagesubject
Supreme Commander 2  Square Enix (Gas Powered Games)2010 labelimageminimize
Transformers: Devastation Activision (PlatinumGames)2015 labelminimizeminimize